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Only 50 Spot(s) Left
Golf Tournament

About this event

The annual SES golf tournament will be held at the nearby Arcadian Shores. The fee will be $91 (paid through this registration portal in advance by credit card, the credit card fee is included in the price) and includes green fees and cart rental (tax included), and transportation from the hotel to the course.

Myrtle Beach is one of the largest Golf Destinations in the Country, and April is their busiest time, therefore, a Shotgun start will not be utilized this year. We have been able to arrange Tee Times starting at 12:18pm on Tuesday, April 8th through 1:14pm. The tee times are arranged as “Double Tees” on the front and back as well, so we expect everyone to finish in time to get back to the hotel by the middle of the Social Hour. Please make sure you are at the course and ready to Tee off 15 minutes in advance of your tee time. 

If you have a car and can offer rides to other golfers, let us know how many people you can fit in your car, including yourself, and clubs.

There is a 5-day cancellation policy for this course. If you cancel, you will receive a rain check with no expiration date, but you will not receive a refund.

A boxed lunch will be available for pickup at the registration desk at the hotel before you head to the course. On-course snacks and beverages are not included.

There is a very limited number of golf club rentals available. If you are going to need clubs, Arcadian Shores offers only (6) sets of Right-Handed rental club sets ($40+tax). Rental clubs should be requested and paid for in advance. You need to call 843-449-5217 to request golf club rentals.

We would also like to know your handicap to help us determine the pairings. If you don't have one, estimate it or we will use 36.

You are also free to play golf on Sunday, Wednesday, or Thursday. You should call 800-846-5552 to make arrangements.

Four-person teams; four-person scramble. All players will tee off and then select the ball to be played. All players will play from that point and continue this process until the ball is holed. Ball must be played within one club length of selected ball (not closer to the hole) remaining in same playing conditions, i.e., cannot move from rough to fairway, cannot move from fringe to green, cannot move out of hazard etc. (ball played within 6” of spot on green no closer to the hole).

  • DOUBLE BOGEY AS MAX SCORE. If you are putting for Bogey and all miss, pick up and move to next hole

SCORING: Scores will be applied to the Modified Peoria, (Team Scramble), scoring system. In the case of a tie the winner will be decided by a scorecard playoff beginning with the back 9 total, front 9 total then No. 1 handicapped hole etc.

All men shall play from the White tees. Women will play from the Red Tees.

: Closest to the Pin #8

                      Longest Drive #16

Date and Time

Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 12:00 PM until 5:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


Kingston Plantation Resort, Arcadian Shores Course
Course Information
9800 Queensway Blvd
Myrtle Beach, SC  29572

Additional Info

Event Contact(s)

Angela Hansen

Antoinette Chartier
Golf Course Liaison, General Questions
805-455-2383 (c)

Matt Swanson
Tournament Administrator, Pairings
714-686-4004 (c)


Annual Conference

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
COURSE RULES AND ETIQUETTE: USGA Rules Shall Govern All Play, unless otherwise indicated by the following tournament and local course rules:

There is NO club limit in effect for this tournament.

Out of Bounds defined by white posts, inside edge of all roads, and all fencing.

Penalty areas are defined by red stakes or lines.

Cart paths and services roads, graveled or paved, and irrigation control boxes are considered immovable obstructions (see rule 24-2 or your USGA rule book).

You should drop at least 15 yards away from alligators without penalty. (How you measure one club length is up to your playing partners.). Do not go near an alligator to retrieve your ball.

All measurements on sprinkler heads are to the center of the green.

Carts are restricted to paths around tees and greens. 90° rule is to be observed.

Please repair all divots with sand, repair ball marks on greens and rake sand traps.

Golfers, please be careful, courteous and obey all golf rules. Each player is solely responsible for his or her actions, including damage to third parties (persons or property).

Please keep pace with the group in front of you.

Restrooms are located between holes 12 & 13 and holes 14 & 15 on the back nine, and between holes 5 & 6 and holes 8 & 9 on the front nine.

DRESS CODE: Men and women shall not wear swimsuit-type, running or cutoff style shorts, or BLUE JEANS of any type. Men shall wear collared shirts; Women shall not wear halter-tops.
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 12:01 AM
Cancellation Policy:
There is a 5-day cancellation policy for this course. If you cancel after the cutoff date, you will receive a rain check with no expiration date, but you will not receive a refund.


56 Total Slots
50 Available Slot(s)

Number of People Who Will Attend

Golf Tournament